Sunday, October 20, 2013

Some really cool Spiders

Hey guys. Sorry for posting such a late blog. I was planning on posting something on this last Thursday or Friday, but that obviously never happened. I was of course really busy with school work and didn't have the time to post something. But now I do have some time and have been looking for something interesting to talk about.
I went to Google, and typed cool spiders into my search box. As I started to scan through the listings from Google, I saw the pictures, which had some interesting spiders, but I kept going to the first thing. Top 10 Bizarre Spiders. I clicked on it and it took me to this page. They really have pointed out some really cool spiders and some really bizarre ones at that. Of course, my favorites are the jumping spiders, like the Bagheera kiplingi, which is pretty much a vegetarian spider! Who knew that was possible, right? I think the most interesting one is the Argyrodes colubrinus. It is like a twig and from some pictures that I have seen of them, they really do look like a stick or something. To me they look more like a walking stick, but then again they do have eight legs. They also talk about my personal favorite Peacock Spider, which of course is a jumping spider. I will end up talking about them in a future blog. The Myrmarachne plataleoides is a really cool spider also, as it mimics ants. And really dangerous ants. If you look at them, they do really look like ants that are very harmful to humans. The good part is that these spiders aren't harmful to us at all, just like other jumping spiders. They have a pretty good chance of survival because the ants that they are mimicking are pretty aggressive and have a nasty bite, so most animals avoid them as much as possible. I think that is a pretty good defense mechanism. They don't really have to do much to be left alone.

Have you found any spiders that would fit in with these "bizarre" spiders? Which one is your favorite? Please feel free to leave comments and follow this blog.

I would also like for you to check out the blogs of my friends. They are pretty cool and I know they would appreciate the attention.

Bill's cars and computers

Grasp Vitality


The background of this blog is by courtesy of Jurgen Otto.

1 comment:

  1. I really like those bizarre spiders expecially the Spiny Orb Weaver.
