Monday, October 14, 2013

Jumping SPiDER says hello

Hey guys and girls! How's it going? This is Jumping SPiDER and I am really excited to start this blog! As you probably can tell, I love spiders. I have always had a passion for them, which has been as long as I can remember. As you might be able to tell, the jumping spider is my favorite out of all spiders.
For many people, jumping spiders are "cute" and "adorable" and I wouldn't necessarily say that they are, but I would agree that there is something different about them in there looks and behavior that makes them so interesting. One thing that is really amazing about them is their amazing hunting skills. And of course, my favorite part about them is their jumping capabilities, where many of them can jump around twenty times their own body length. And for something this small, a one foot jumping distance is pretty impressive. They also have these awesome eyes that allow them to see their prey and kill it. Many people have claimed their sight to be similar to that of humans, but at a much smaller scale.
Handling them is a lot of fun. They seem to be very intelligent, and when crawling up my arms or sitting on my hands, they look at me with their little eyes as if they are trying to figure out how to get to my face. I don’t mind having them in my hands or on my arms, but I really don’t want them on my face, like in my eyes or up my nose. And worst yet, my mouth. They do certainly seem to be curious and I can never get enough of them. They are my most favorite spider and I usually try to find them around the house or at my school where it seems that there are more of them, which is better, right?
 So what kind of spiders do you like? Do you even like spiders at all?  I'd like to know what you think. 

If you would like to follow me, I would really appreciate it. And if spiders aren't your thing, and you don't really want to follow, no offense taken. I can understand, as many people I know really don't like them either. 

I would also appreciate it if you would go check out my friends' blogs and follow them! I think they would really appreciate it too!
Bills cars and computers
The background of this blog is by courtesy of  Jurgen Otto:

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