Sunday, November 24, 2013

Marbles is gone!

Well, I was hoping against hope that this wouldn't happen, but it did. Marbles, my female Phiddipus Audax jumping spider, is gone. I was going to do this on the previous post, but I decided against it. Luckily, this doesn't mean dead, but she is no longer in her little critter keeper. My teacher found her lid slightly ajar the other morning with her obviously not there. She seemed pretty happy in there. Now being a spider, should would have reasons to leave that I, a human, wouldn't understand, but she did have it pretty good in there. She had a pretty nice cricket once a week, some water, and a few places to hide and be a jumping spider. I don't really get why she would want to leave. I don't really know what to do at the moment as she could pretty much be anywhere in the science lab or for that matter, my school. She does have more than plenty of spaces to hide out, but there are only other spiders for food and I know that most jumping spiders can get other spiders if they are desperate enough. I just hope she is okay and will turn up in a few months so I can put her back. But if I never see her again, that is that. Farewell Marbles! You will be missed! (You can find pictures of her on my previous post.)

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