Friday, January 3, 2014

Jumping spiders

I have two little jumping spiders right now, although they won't get to stay the night. I was in my room when I got a call from my mom that "two of my little friends" were hanging out on the ceiling in the dining room. She wanted them dead, but I insisted on keeping them a little bit. She let me get a jar from the garage and put them in it. One has been chasing the other one around a bit, so I can assume that one is a girl and the other is a boy. I don't know what species they are as they are very small, and I would post pictures, but my iPod won't focus on them for more than a fraction of a second. They are both fairly dark in color, almost brown and grey, but they have a light tan underside with dark legs with faint yellow stripes. They are pretty cute. 

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