Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Awesome Youtube Channels for the Tarantula Addict!

I love tarantulas. They are just so fascinating to me. I would love to have one (actually, more :) ), but my parents don't like them and so I am going to have to live without them. But they haven't said anything about me watching Youtube videos on them. In fact, they don't mind it and it allows me to enjoy them at someone else's expense. My favorite channel for tarantulas is Jon3800. He is one of the top followed tarantula keepers in the world next to Rob C. or Tarantulaguy1976, especially in the USA and Canada. They are both highly respected by the Youtube community and many people go to them (including me, many times) for information about how to care for them, the different types and if they are good as pets, for the noobs or the experts and so on. I have watched almost all of their videos from both channels, Jon3800 more than Rob C as Rob is currently in the process of building a new home (at least he was the last time I checked) and hasn't really had a chance to make any new videos on his tarantulas. If anybody is interested in getting a tarantula or getting ready to add another one to your collection, these guys are who I would go to.
Watch many of their videos and get a feel for what tarantula keeping is all about. Jon3800 has videos on many of the different species that he currently has and makes what he calls "Mythbuster" videos where he talks about a certain tarantula or tarantula species. These are usually his more interesting videos, and they are filled with almost all of the information to you need to know about a tarantula. However, I wouldn't recommend skipping his other videos either, as he will sometimes add to or update bits and pieces of his "mythbusters" from time to time and you most likely won't want to miss out on what he has to say.
Another greatly respected tarantula keeper is in the UK and he goes by Dan Oakley. I haven't seen as many of his videos as I have Jon's and Rob's, but he has been referred to by Jon3800 a few times and many other people love his videos too. I think you couldn't go wrong if you follow him.
These guys are the "go-to" people and if you have any questions concerning tarantulas, they would be the people to search for and ask. I don't usually trust the pet store sites as much as they do tend to give you false information more often than not as I have heard from other people's experiences.

Thanks for checking out this blog! I hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions or comments concerning this blog, please leave them below. If you have any questions or comments concerning tarantulas, check these guys out. (Jon would probably be your best bet if you need an answer soon as he tends to be faster at responding.)

Other awesome people to check out (that don't have anything to do with tarantulas):

Bills cars and computers

UPDATE: Jon 3800 also has feeding videos about twice a month as he all of his tarantulas, scorpions, and yes! jumping spiders! These are always worth checking out. 

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