Friday, December 6, 2013

More pictures of Marbles.

Here are some more pictures, again taken with my iPod Touch. Marbles was in a bit of a frantic mode today as she was trying her best to hide from me. What I got here isn't too bad. 
Here is her kritter keeper. The little black dot in the very bottom right is her. There will be some science equipment in the background as there really wasn't any good place to put her cage. 

Whenever I take pictures, she has to turn and stare. I was hoping to get a good shot of the top of her abdomen so you could see her markings. 
I'm not sure if she was getting ready to jump or what, but her front legs are up. Maybe she's trying to wave! :)
Of course, she finally got scared and ran to hide under the styrofoam ring, but her curiosity got the better of her and she had to see what I was up too. :)

This one is through the side of the cage. She had turned around after the previous picture because of the flash and is hanging upside down waiting for me to go away. 
Well, she is on the other side of her cup ring and is really wanting me to leave. Haha. At least she was willing. 

Thanks for checking this post out and I hoped you enjoyed the pictures. If you have any suggestions, comments, or questions, please feel free to leave them below and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can. 
I hope to get some pictures of her in my hand sometime, but she is really fast. I'm usually lucky to get the shots that I am getting.

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