Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Do You Have a Favorite Tarantula? What is it?

As you might know, especially from my previous post, I love tarantulas. I really don't know why, but I just do. Maybe it's all that fuzz covering them or maybe it is because they have eight legs and are bigger versions of the other spiders that I really like. Either way, they are really awesome and there are a couple that I would love to tell you about. And yes, I do have more than one "favorite". Many of them are just the color combinations and others are the size and the more mellow nature of the tarantula's species. I am already making plans on what tarantulas I will be getting in the future and which ones I will stay away from, which happen to be the faster, more venomous ones. Many of them are very pretty, but if they get away, Look out! They can't kill you, but for the Poecilotheria species, they have a bite that is very, very painful and at times, it will probably make you wish you were going to die than not. There is a few videos of Rob C., who has been tagged by a couple of his Poecilotheria spiders before and wasn't doing too good for a few days. You must remember, (even more so with species like these), handle tarantulas with care. Any tarantula, even the calmest, nicest ones out there, can still bit you if they feel they need to. So please treat them with respect. Rob wasn't treating his spiders in any way that could harm them. He was trying to mate a male and female and the female went after the male. Rob tried to intervene and the female got his wrist. (It wasn't really a smart thing to do, but he loves his spiders so much that he is willing to risk the bite to save the other one, if possible.)
So, now to my personal favorites. I really like the Brachypelma species, like the B. Emilia, the Smithi, Boehmei, and Auratum. The colors is what really draws me to them. The reds, oranges, yellows, whites, and browns are just stunning, especially when you have a freshly molted tarantula. The Brachypelmas also tend to be a bit more docile than most other tarantula species and the famous B. Smithi (Mexican Red Knee) is a really popular choice among beginners and experts. However, like most other Brachys, they tend to flick hairs like crazy and some individuals are horrible. Each spider will react differently to you when you get near it, but Brachypelmas are pretty well know for this. Any tarantula found in the Americas, North, Central, and South, tend to be hair flickers with less potent venom. They also tend to be slower and less willing to bite. Other tarantulas found mostly in the Asias are fast, and their venom is quite potent. However, they don't kick hairs.

Another favorite species of mine is the Poecilotheria. They are very, very beautiful and are really fun to look at. Like the P. Metallica. It is a tarantula with an amazing dark blue color pattern with the yellow under their leg joints that are typical with Pokies. I think this is the prettiest tarantula you will ever see. When I first sawa  picture of one, I thought it was photoshopped. However, upon more research, I found out that it was indeed a real tarantula and a real beauty at that. These are however from the Poecilotheria species which means that they are very fast, their venom is very potent, and they are expensive! I have seen prices for baby 1/4 inch slings for over $200. And the full grown 6 inch females are more than double that! Yeah, really pricey for something so pretty. I however, wouldn't want to own one mainly because if it escaped, it would be hard to capture without getting bitten or having it bite one of my other pets. Yep, I'll let other people have them and I'll enjoy them on Youtube. Other really nice ones are the Ornata, Fasciata, Miranda, Regalis, and Subfusca.

And my most favorite tarantula is the Euathlus sp. Red, which is also known as the sp. Orange or Yellow. It's really the exact same tarantula, but some are more red, orange, or yellow depending on the individual spider. These are known to be the best beginner tarantula because they are really gentle for those of us who like to handle them and their venom is very weak and won't hurt humans. They do have urticating hairs because they are found in Chile and like I said above, if they are found in the Americas, they will have these hairs. Another awesome thing about them is that they only grow to 3 to 3.5 inches in leg span. So they are really quite small compared to other tarantulas which for some people, really like to have a small spider. They are also known to be very friendly and any time their own opens the cage, the tarantula immediately starts to walk out and act as if it wants to be handled. It is still up for debate on whether tarantulas like to be handled and if it is good for them, but so far, these little guys tend to "like" the attention.You can get an off one that will deffensive towards you when you want to handle it and you should just leave it be. But over all, they are said to be awesome for the beginner. Their only downside is that because they are so small, they eat very little and tend to eat every couple months instead of weeks like bigger sized tarantulas.

Do you have a favorite tarantula or more? What is it and why? I would love to hear about what you think and if you have any and what they are and why you like them. So please leave you comments below and if you have any questions, I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Other awesome blogs to check out: (don't have anything to do with tarantulas)

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