Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Update on Marbles

Marbles, my pet female Phiddipus Audax jumping spider is doing well so far. She is still, well, as far as I can tell, happy in her enclosure. She can always see me when I come into the room and she will run backwards, upside down, fall off her ceiling, and run for her overturned cup bottom before I can get within two feet of her. That is the awesome eye sight of the jumping spider at work for ya, that's for sure. Then there are days like today, when she sees me and just turns her whole body or cocks her head to one side or the other and waits for me to open the top so she can try to make a break for it. I just blow a little bit on her and she usually jumps in such a goofy way that she lands on her back and then falls to the bottom of her cage. She then ran to the side so she could look up at me and just sat there. It is fun to do and really she is okay when she falls. They are small enough and light enough that a fall of more than a few feet without a safety line wont hurt them.
I hope to get a feeding video of her tomorrow, and I will post that as soon as I can. I want to make sure that she gets a cricket before I leave on vacation so that it will last her the whole time. On Friday, class Christmas parties will be going on and I will most likely forget about her and I really don't want to do that. I can't guarantee that she will eat right away tomorrow, so if she does, I will post a video. If not, I won't. (I'll just leave the cricket in there with her anyway. She will eat in a day or two after it being in there.) And hopefully, the cricket will be in a spot where she will actually jump on the cricket and not just creep up on it and then pounce the shortest possible distance. It is cool to see, but a big, deadly, accurate jump is so much more entertaining. Haha.

Thanks for checking out this post. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the comment section below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

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